Guidelines for Authors

1. Norms of publication

1.1 In addition to contributing to the scope of the journal, the submission of articles or reviews presupposes acceptance of the publication ethics and publication malpractice statement and full compliance with these rules. Likewise, it implies the assignment of copyrights in case of approval.

1.1.1 The editors are authorized to make changes and corrections to bring the text into compliance with the norms of publication and to decide on the editorial and graphic characteristics, the means of distribution and availability, and the date on which the article will be published.

1.2 The texts submitted must be unpublished, regardless of the form of publication, printed and/or electronic, and articles submitted simultaneously to more than one journal will not be considered.

1.2.1 In case of simultaneous submission, besides the immediate rejection of the article and communication to the journals involved, RICP reserves the right not to receive new submissions from all authors involved for a period of two years, counting from the date of knowledge of the fact.

1.2.2 A paper already published in another country is considered unpublished, provided it is in a language other than Portuguese.

1.2.3 Only one paper will be accepted for review at a time for each author, even if co-authored.

1.3 The submission will occur exclusively through the OJS platform (Open Journal Systems) available from, informing the personal data of each author (full name, qualification, full address, telephone and e-mail). The paper file must be compatible with one of the accepted extensions (*.doc, *.docx and *.odt).

1.4 The article must have a maximum of 3 authors, at least one of them holding a Ph.D. title, and the others must hold at least a LL.M. title.

1.4.1 Exceptional cases regarding the requirement of item 1.4 will be accepted, provided that the relevance of the subject matter and the technical quality of the work to be submitted for peer review are attested by the editors.

1.4.2 Regarding the CV, it should only contain the highest academic degree, academic title, ORCID iD and, if necessary, complemented by the other practical legal activities of each author. Any acknowledgements and information on the financing of the work should be registered in a separate post-textual element, after the references.

1.4.3 Any citations of other publications of the authors (auto-citation) should be done in the third person, so as not to affect the peer review process.

1.5 The articles can be in Portuguese, English or Spanish.

1.5.1 Mandatory pre-textual elements are: title in the language of the article; title in English; identification of the authors; abstract in the language of the article; keywords in the language of the article; abstract in English; keywords in English. If the main language of the article is not Portuguese, the title, abstract and keywords in Portuguese are also required.

1.5.2 Abstracts must be between 100 and 250 words and accompanied by 4 to 6 keywords.

1.5.3 Mandatory textual elements are: introduction, development, and conclusions.

1.5.4 Papers should be 12 to 20 pages long. The font used in the body of the text should be Times New Roman, size 12 with justified alignment. In addition, paragraphs should be indented 1.25 cm and have 1.5 line spacing, with top and bottom margins of 2.0 cm and side margins of 3.0 cm on A4 paper. Exceptional cases in relation to the number of pages will be subject to preliminary analysis.

1.5.5 If the authors want to highlight the text, they should use italics instead of bold or underlined. Quotation marks should be used when quoting other authors.

1.5.6 It is a mandatory post-textual element: references, containing only those that were actually cited in the development of the text. With regard to legislative and jurisprudential references, there is no need to include them in the list of references at the end of the text.

1.5.7 References should be included in footnotes in a uniform manner, according to the numerical citation system present in ABNT's NBRs 6023:2018 and 10520:2002. The adoption of the AUTHOR-DATE system will not be accepted.

1.5.8 If the article develops an empirical research, it must be accompanied by the data that was analyzed by the authors.

1.5.9 The book review should be between 5 and 10 pages in length and without the need to include title, abstract, and keywords, as well as the respective English versions.

1.6 For other issues not covered here, ABNT's NBRs 6022:2018, 6023:2018, 6028:2021 and 10520:2002 should be observed.

1.7 The Editorial Team of RICP is not committed to completing the requirements for publication, and papers submitted without full compliance will not be accepted for review.

1.8 The process of reviewing and publishing articles is free of charge, with no submission and processing fees.

1.9 In case of doubts, the Editorial Team must be contacted exclusively by e-mail